Case Studies

NHS Dental Clinic


A dental clinic serving both private and NHS patients has 8 dental units and 4 dentists. The dental units and autoclaves are in separate rooms and use sterile bottled water. Chlorine Dioxide was previously used to disinfect the dental units.

Throughout 2005 the clinic failed two audits where bacterial contamination exceeded recommended limits. Further challenges for the clinic include several patients who suffer from autoimmune disease and cystic fibrosis who could not receive safe dental treatment. Typically the clinic’s monthly bill for sterile water was £300.



The customer looked at using Ecasol for a solution, the key objectives being:

 Prevent bacterial growth in dental water lines

 Remove existing bio-film found in dental water lines

 Reduce the time taken to maintain the dental units as part of a hygiene control process

 Reduce energy

 Reduce storage space and the storage of hazardous chemicals

 To generate pure water for autoclave instrument washing



A Trustwater generator was installed for the safe production of the disinfectant called Ecasol. Some Auxiliary equipment was also supplied including an under counter reverse osmosis unit and deionizer to supply purified water to autoclaves for instrument washing. Ecasol is generated ondemand with a simple press of a button and fills the days disinfectant container. Freshly generated Ecasol is tested for its properties with a small test strip that is then logged. Neat Ecasol is diluted allowing it to be used in the disinfectant air/water line at a specified strength. The days disinfectant container is then placed into the dental supply system and dosed into the air/water lines.



The dental clinics latest internal audit showed that the application of Ecasol has successfully reduced the bacteria count well below set guidelines. The clinic has also benefited from savings in the region of ½ their monthly costs and no longer has to worry about storing and handling dangerous chemicals.

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