
This area of science has become known generically as Electro-chemical Activation or “ECA”.

The Science

Electro-Chemical Activation (ECA) is the generation of activated solutions by passing a dilute NaCl solution through an electro-chemical cell, segregating the ions formed and producing two oppositely charged solutions with altered physical and chemical properties. One solution is a very effective sanitizer generically referred to as Anolyte; branded by Trustwater as Ecasol™. The second solution is a detergent generically called Catholyte, and branded by Trustwater as Aversol™.


Electro-chemical Activation (ECA) is the generation of activated solutions by passing a dilute NaCl solution through a Flow-through Electrolytic Module (FEM), segregating the ions formed and producing two oppositely charged solutions with altered physical and chemical properties. Electro-chemical Activation changes the state of the salt solution from a stable to a metastable state. The positively charged anolyte solution, known as Ecasol™, has a redox value in excess of 600 mV, is pH neutral and consists of a mixture of unstable mixed oxidants (mainly hypochlorous acid) in a physically excited state that is capable of penetrating biofilms and is highly microbicidal. The negatively charged catholyte solution, known as Aversol™ has detergent properties, a pH as high as 13.5, a redox value of -600 mV and consists predominantly of sodium hydroxide in an excited state. These active ion species are short lived with a half-life of usually less than 48 hours, and as such produces on-site, on-demand.

The ECA Solutions


Ecasol™ is many times more effective than advanced oxidant techniques such as chlorine dioxide, hydrogen peroxide and ozone and is up to 100 times more effective than sodium hypochlorite.

Ecasol destroys all known microbes and is:

  • Non- Toxic
  • pH neutral
  • Non-Irritant
  • Odourless
  • Environmentally Friendly &
  • Generated On-Demand


Aversol is a non- toxic, highly effective detergent used in the Food & Beverage Market to replace commonly used chemical detergents

Cleaning and Disinfection

The on-site generator range produces two solutions simultaneously. One solution is a powerful detergent and known as Aversol. Aversol is used as a direct replacement for caustic in CIP (Clean In Place) applications. The second solution is a very effective disinfectant and branded Ecasol. Ecasol is a broad-spectrum biocide that destroys all microbes known to man.

Very significantly, Ecasol has proven to be phenomenally effective at removing stubborn biofilm. In applications ranging from food manufacturing to building water systems, biofilm is the root-cause of many contamination issues and has traditionally been very difficult to control with conventional chemicals.
