We understand that the Food & Beverage industry must adhere to numerous, exacting food quality & plant safety standards. Trustwater™ is world-renowned for its innovative, high-quality, fully-automated ECA technology used in the Food & Beverage industry.
Trustwater™ solutions Aversol™ and Ecasol™ are used in major Food & Beverage companies and in the Food Service sector worldwide where our focus is on system reliability, safety & reduced down-time during plant & equipment wash-down.
Aversol™, a non-toxic yet highly effective detergent replaces traditional chemical detergents and eliminates organic residues like precipitated proteins, carbohydrates, fats, minerals and other contaminants that harbour bacteria and ultimately lead to bio-corrosion.
Ecasol™, a non-toxic, pH neutral solution replaces traditional chemical biocides in plant wash-down processes, yet effectively destroys all known microbes.
Produced on-site, on demand, the Trustwater™ mixed oxidant solutions are a safer plant and equipment wash-down option, using only salt, water, and power to generate both detergent and disinfectant. Without hazardous chemicals transported, generated or stored, Trustwater™ ensures superior safety for beverage plant personnel and the community.
Ecasol™ has proven to be up to 100 times more effective than sodium hypochlorite. No technology is more effective at removing stubborn biofilm & killing bacteria with lasting effect.